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the Jedi Library
56-32 BBY
The Phantom Menace and Jedi Quest 32 -22 BBY
22 -18 BBY
18-.5 BBY
1 ABY-?
FanArt (none Available)
I divided the fan fiction into sections of time. Anything before Obi-wan was born (56 BBY is what I figure) goes in the first category called Pre-Jedi Apprentice. BBY stands for Before Battle of Yavin which is in Episode IV: A New Hope. The second category is the Jedi Apprentice. This is basically the time period of Obi's birth thru the JA book series onto the Phantom Menace. That starts the third period, which lasts until Attack of the Clones. AOTC until Episode III is the next period, followed by III-4. I put it down as .5 so you know it goes right up to it. What do you call it when it is zero? The last category is A New Hope and On. This category is only if there is a significant connection to the prequels (such as a character is alive etc). The Fact that Anakin is Luke's Father does not count. Now if you had Luke finding something about his father then it would count. Email me with any comments and suggestions you may have. After all, this site is brand new and like everything can be improved.
Beth Kenobi, JK. Started July 2002 by Beth Kenobi and ©2002 and on by Beth Kenobi and Lady Beth Productions. No section of this site may be copied unless permission is granted by Author or Beth Kenobi. All Traditional Star Wars Characters are George Lucas. We are only renting the universe for a time. |