The Jedi Library

The Home of the Prequel Fan fiction

Message from The Jedi Librarian


Welcome to the Jedi Library, home of the fan fiction for the Prequels. This site is just getting started, so please be patient with me while I work on it. I try to update my sites at least once every two weeks so it shouldn't be that long without a update. Of course I need material to put in here so add your stuff so people can read it. The rules and guidelines for submission is below so I won't get into that.

In this section, I'll have the list of updates, once I have some to update, as well as a picture. If you would like a picture to go above my message, send it in. This one belongs to my sister and I. I still think they could have done a better posing job. They all look mad:)

May The force, and the Jedi Library, be with you:)

J.K. Beth Kenobi,

Head Mistress of the Library.

Photo Submissions ( Pictures and Fan Art)
  1. All pictures must be G rated...non nudity pix.
  2. Send to Beth Kenobi with the words picture submission or something similar.
  3. If you have a caption for it please include it.
  4. Include your name and the artist name (if it is fan art. Pix don't need this unless it is specially to one site. then copyright is need
Rules for Fan fiction Submissions
  1. Must be under R rating. R rated material is accepted.  
  2. No slash. There are a lot of slash archives out there, so this will not be one. 
  3. The following must be included in your story mainly for organization
    a. Pen name or real name. It is up to you...but I have to have something to call you
    b. Title of your story and its rating
    c. Summery
    d. Link to current place on the internet if it is already up.
    E. the story. That is a big duh. Any formatting you want to be there, tell me for I may change the type of document. I can receive Word  up to 2000 and WordPad (txt documents). If it is a multi-chapter story and it is different files, I accept  zip files. Also, if you have a banner for this and want it shown please include it
    F. the Category (Romance, Adventure, Obidala Romance, AU, Action, etc) as well as main character. Obidala fix can skip this  because the category tells me the main characters are Padmé and Obi-wan.
    G: Your Email so I can put it up so you can get reviews. If you do not want your email to be available for this option please note this. I still need to have an email for contacting.
Website Submission
  1. The site must deal with star wars or an actor who is in the  First three Episodes( AKA the Prequels)
  2. When you send it to Beth Kenobi please include a banner if you have one, the name of your site and what it contains.  Also if you want to be an affiliate of the site say so. I don't have a banner for the site yet (mainly because of lack of ability to make them) so this site doesn't have one. If anyone would like to make one, go ahead. Just tell me first.