
Here are some ideas for stories if you are stuck on another or just want to write a story. Some of them are easy. If you do one, send it in and I'll put it in the achieve with a special note that it was one of the challenges. If you have any ideas for a challenge email them to me and I'll put them here.



1.Something happens to Obi-wan and he is transformed into an infant again with no memory of being an adult. How can Anakin handle this?


2.Include the titles of all five released movies in one story


3. Mara Jade ends up going through time to Padmé Amidala's room as the Jedi Knights are arriving. What will happen?


4. Have a Star Wars Character meet a character played by the same Actor (ex: Obi-wan Kenobi meets Robert Lewis ....Both played by Ewan McGregor)


5. What if Anakin and Padme switched bodies?